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Dieses Thema im Kroatien-Forum hat 1 Antworten
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Extraordinary Offline

Beiträge: 4

27.08.2007 21:28
Gedicht / Übersetzung Englisch - Kroatisch Antworten
Hier ein englisches Gedicht, das ich gern auf kroatisch übersetzt hätte (hab mich selbst schon dran versucht ;)) Bitte um Korrektur :) HVALA!!!

Taste of Heaven

People go to work to earn money
To pay bills on the mat of their door
But it sucks and is hardly funny
If you’ve no reason to live n exist for

I’ve fallen for you so much I can tell
If you want me to be I’ll be there 24/7
One doesn’t complain bout being in hell
Until someone gives you a taste of heaven

No word can describe you’re one of a kind
Just tell me and say,
Was it the truth you said or all just a lie?

Don’t get the question out of my mind:
If I had to die today,
Would I be missed, would anyone cry?

©by A.S. 07

Okus neba

Ljudi odlaze na posao da bi zaradili
Da plate raèune "on the mat of their door"
Ali je glupo i nije zabavno

If you’ve no reason to live n exist for
Zaljubila sam se koliko to mogu reci
Ako me zelis biti cu tu 24 sata na dan
One doesn’t complain bout being in hell
Dokle ti netko da okus neba

Ni jedne rijeci te nemogu opisat,jedistven si
Samo mi kazi i reci
Dali sto si mi rekao je bila istina ili laz?

Ne izlazi mi pitanje iz glave
Ako umrem sada
Dali bi nekome falila,dali bi netko plakao
MalaFrana Offline

Mitglied im Kroatien-Forum

Beiträge: 3.344

27.08.2007 21:51
#2 RE: Gedicht Antworten
Don’t get the question out of my mind:
If I had to die today,
Would I be missed, would anyone cry?

Ne izlazi mi pitanje iz glave
Ako umrem sada
Dali bi nekome falila,dali bi netko plakao

falila - da nisi ti dalmatinka?
Ich helfe dir mit diese Strophe.

Ne izlazi pitanje iz mojih misli
Ako bi umrla danas
Dali bi nedostajala nekom, dali bi netko plakao?

Gruß Franka
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