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Dieses Thema im Kroatien-Forum hat 3 Antworten
und wurde 1.187 mal aufgerufen
 Dalmatien (Süd) südlich von Split, Inseln bis Dubrovnik
annikaha ( gelöscht )

16.10.2011 19:26
Informationen über Hotelruinen an der Küste Dalmatiens? Research für Fotografieprojekt Antworten

Hello, I am an German artist/photographer living in the Netherlands (Rotterdam).(website below the mail)
I am planning to set up a photography related project in Croatia. Now I started researching, but discovered that there is not much information to find on the internet since I don't speak the Croatian language. I was wondering whether you might be able to give me some hints for research sources or even some addresses where i could apply for fundings or scholarships.Maybe it's not the right adress to post such a request but I have to start somewhere. Any tips and hints are welcome!

During my last visit at the Dalmatian coast I was wondering why there are so many empty hotels along the coast. Most of them have a really special architecture and seem to be built in the same era. I also noticed that in many hotels the furniture is still present (in a more or less intact condition). Often the exterior is damaged ( through time related decay or vandalism, or even the war(?))
As well i found it remarkable that the hotels are not already bought up by investors because the geographical position is outstanding.

Is this a public known and recognized issue? Are Croatian people talking about those buildings? What is the history of the buildings,when are they built and for whom, why are they left, are there plans for the hotels, are they owned by private persons,would this issue being photographed be interesting for the Croatian?...,etc...etc.

At this moment I try to find out whether this project is relevant to anybody and if this phenomenon 'hotels' is existing as such, or if I'm just naive. Are there photographers/artists/ writers etc. who dealt with that issue in the past? Or is it even done too many times? I'm just collecting information.

As I said before any tips or hints are welcome! If it's just a comment whether this project contains any relevance- it already helps me a lot!

Thank you in advance

With kind regards

Annika Hauke

bigger Offline

Mitglied im Kroatien-Forum

Beiträge: 4.800

16.10.2011 19:29
#2 RE: Informationen über Hotelruinen an der Küste Dalmatiens? Research für Fotografieprojekt Antworten

Hello, I am an German artist/photographer

gehts dann bitte auch in deutsch ?


ManuelEN Offline

Mitglied im Kroatien-Forum

Beiträge: 946

16.10.2011 20:29
#3 RE: Informationen über Hotelruinen an der Küste Dalmatiens? Research für Fotografieprojekt Antworten

Kannst du kein englisch?


Lakritz macht spitz, Pizza macht spitzer

bigger Offline

Mitglied im Kroatien-Forum

Beiträge: 4.800

16.10.2011 20:48
#4 RE: Informationen über Hotelruinen an der Küste Dalmatiens? Research für Fotografieprojekt Antworten

Würde ich dann fragen ?
Muß ich ?

Westerwelle hat auch mal gesagt, in Deutschland wird deutsch gesprochen.


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