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hrvatskiradiofrankfurt Offline

Beiträge: 21

02.08.2013 00:43
Croatia national hrtv changed satelite 01.08.2013 support germany 0177-3232344 Antworten

From July 1st, 2013, the Croatian Radiotelevision will change the broadcasting satellite for its programs in Europe and Middle East. From the said date it will transfer from the current Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A satellite at 13° east to the new satellite Eutelsat 16A positioned at 16° east.

In order to enable its satellite program viewers to change reception parameters on time and continue watching the program without interruptions, HRT will temporarily, until July 30th, 2013, broadcast over both satellites, after which the airing via the old Hot Bird 13A 13° east satellite will be discontinued.

The program will be aired over both satellites for 31 days, from July 1st until July 31st, and during this time the satellite dish has to be readjusted in order to allow for reception over the new satellite. The satellite readjustment does not require a different receiver or a decoder card which you are currently using to watch the program. In order to continue watching the program of the Croatian Radiotelevision, it is necessary to run the signal from the Eutelsat 16 A satellite to your receiver, i. e. it is necessary to change the position of the satellite dish so as to allow the reception from the new satellite position Eutelsat 16A.

The new satellite reception parameters are as follows:
Eutelsat 16 A (orbital position 16 degrees east)
Frequency 10.721 MHz (transponder A1)
Polarization H (horizontal)
Symbol rate 27.500kBaud
Technical support germany 0177-3232344

hrvatskiradiofrankfurt Offline

Beiträge: 21

04.08.2013 06:32
Instalacije Hrvatska televizija u njemackoj 0177-3232344 Antworten

Hrvatska televizija od 01.08.2013 ne emitira vise na satelitu eutelsat hotbird na 13 E

Novi satelit je eutelsat w2 na 16E

Sto vas ceka kod namjestanja novog satelita !!! Problemi

Freq 10720 h 27500 je vrlo slaba frekvencija puno risivera tu frekvenciju ne moze naci ( npr model risivera od samsunga) takodjer cete imati problema sa nokia mediamaster ili xsat 360

Puno vas ima trenutno astra - hotbird kombinaciju da bi gledali obadvoje trebaju vam 2 single lnb u obliku rakete vrlo uski ili monoblok sa razmakom od 3 stupnja !!!
Ukoliko trebate vise informacija ili pomoc oko namjestanja novog satelita 0177-3232344 dario

Leider ist die verlinkte Seite / Foto / Video nicht mehr verfügbar. - Thofroe

hrvatskiradiofrankfurt Offline

Beiträge: 21

14.08.2013 10:34
htv namjestanje antena 0177-3232344 hrt kroatische fernsehen satelit Antworten

wenn jemand braucht hilfe wegen hrt und andere kroatische programe 0177-3232344

Ähnliche Themen Antworten/Neu Letzter Beitrag⁄Zugriffe
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Miroslav Skoro Koncert 21.09.2013 Stuttgart cafe topas tickets 0177-3232344
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auf Holz, Glas, Metall, Stein
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